Call for Participants: Accessibility Audit at Two Rivers Gallery

Are you an individual living with a disability? Want to be paid to help improve your community and make the arts more accessible?

Two Rivers Gallery is seeking participants for a collaborative physical accessibility audit. This approach ensures that we are applying the disability justice notion of “Nothing About Us, Without Us.”

We are looking for six individuals who will combine their lived experience with mentorship from and collaborative learning with TRG Accessibility Advisor Regan Shrumm. Participants will:

  • Learn BC Building Code Accessibility Standards and disability-led audit styles
  • Collaborate on Two Rivers Gallery’s physical audit and report
  • Train to become an accessibility facilitator
  • Facilitate accessibility workshops for individuals and organizations including Two Rivers Gallery staff

Project Objectives

  • Individuals will gain skills in completing audits and facilitating training
  • The gallery will complete a physical accessibility audit and report so that Two Rivers Gallery can implement solutions and best practices in the future
  • Spread critical thinking about accessibility to other Prince George organizations through Accessibility 101 workshops


Participants will be asked to commit a total of 30 to 40 hours over 6 months. Participants selected will meet twice a month for roughly 2 hours per meeting. Meetings will be held from June to October 2022. The exact time and date will depend on the group’s combined schedules.

June: Getting to know cohort and discuss standards accessibility audits

July: Discussing disability-lead accessibility audits and take a tour of exhibition space

August: Tour of programming and lobby spaces and discussion of what is missing

September: Facilitation training

October: Perform training for Two Rivers staff and debrief

November: Facilitate training for other Prince George organizations

Accessibility for the Program

We understand the inherent barriers to participating in any type program, especially one where an organization is trying to discover deeply-rooted barriers to communities.

Most meetings will be held online through Zoom. Some meetings will be held in person at Two Rivers Gallery. If you are unable to make in-person meetings as a part of the audit process, Two Rivers Gallery can accommodate through videos.

We will be pleased to offer an honorarium of $30 per hour per participant. Payment can be distributed to accommodate your needs.

To make the program as accessible as possible, we can offer access to ASL, captioning, breaks, transportation vouchers, and snacks/food vouchers. If there are other needs, please let us know in your application.


Individuals are invited to share the following information by email. To arrange a phone or Zoom interview (with or without captioning and ASL) instead of a written submission, please email Regan at [email protected].

  • Name and pronouns
  • Available schedule (preferred days of the week and times)
  • Accessibility needs in order to attend meetings
  • Why are you interested in being a part of this program? (250 word maximum or 5 minutes audio or video maximum)
  • How will this program help you towards your career or personal goals? (250 word maximum or 5 minutes audio or video maximum)
  • Why is making the arts accessible important to you? (250 word maximum or 5 minutes audio or video maximum)

Deadline: Friday, May 20, 2022 

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