Art for Wellness (ages 18+)

Saturdays, May 4-June 8 | 1-3pm | 6 sessions

Art can be a powerful tool for health and wellness. In this program you will learn therapeutic art skills to practice personal wellness and creative expression. You will also be given a take-home art kit with everything you need to continue exploring with pencil drawing, watercolour, sculpture, and journaling. Art for Wellness is meant to connect participants to themselves and to build healthy perspectives.

The 6 sessions will include the following programing:

Week 1: Taking care of yourself collage
Week 2: Mindfulness and claywork
Week 3: Therapeutic art on a budget
Week 4: Reconnecting with nature and the 5 senses
Week 5: Journaling to express
Week 6: Resourcing from within, tools to help you cope

Confidentiality & consent forms must be completed to participate. They can be accessed here, or on the first day of class.

Fee: $140

May 4
1:00 pm (2h)

Click here to register

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