The Hometown Project

Rustad Galleria – August 20th to October 18th, 2015

Jean Chisholm and Janine Merkl

The Hometown Projectexhibition by Jean Chisholm and Janine Merkl is a design show that inspires people to be aware of the potential of their hometowns, invites them to share ideas of what would make their cities better, and facilitates collaboration to help these ideas become a reality from a grassroots level.

Celebrate your city, talk design and sustainability, and see all the ways you can collaborate with your community and make an impact in your hometown. The exhibition stimulates thinking about one’s ehometown in different ways and the role we play in shaping its future.

Not only does the show celebrate what people already love about their hometowns, it also hopes to inspire change, create projects that promote sustainability, support local economies, and spark new and bigger ideas through collaboration. Creating this kind of atmosphere is so important in smaller cities like Prince George, and for people to realize that sustainability and innovation are things we can create right at home.

Featured artwork: Designed and printed by Jean Chisholm and Janine Merkle, The Hometown Project. 2015.

August 20 — October 18
7:30 pm (1413h 30′)

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