Transitory Tributes

Canfor Gallery – October 20th, 2017 to January 7th, 2018

Z’otz* Collective

Z’otz* Collective is comprised of three artists with Latin American roots, based in Toronto: Erik Jerezano, Ilyana Martinez and Nahum Flores. The collective will travel to Two Rivers Gallery to create a site-specific drawing along one wall of our exhibition space. Using the concept of niche, riffling on the idea of small shrines in the Catholic faith, and connecting with nesting in French (Nicher: to nest), small boxes will be used throughout the installation as respositories of locally collected items. Like points on the map, they will divide the installation into individual stories and suggest a greater connection to place and community.

Featured artwork: Z’otz* Collective. Anonymous Intents (series), 2017. Mixed Media on paper.

October 20 — January 7
7:30 pm (1893h 30′)

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